In order to provide children who live within Muskegon Heights access to a FREE , QUALITY public education we must address both finances and academics.
Next Board Meeting:
Thursday, March 13th, 6:00pm, in the Muskegon Heights Academy library located 2441 Sanford Street, Muskegon Heights, MI 49444
UpDated Contracts
Amendent No. 1 for Lease Between MHPSAS & MHPS
Contract Amendment No. 2 MHPSAS
First Amended & Restated Lease Agreement for MHPSAS
Restated Articles of Incorporation
Scheduled 4-1st Amended & Restated Oversight Agreement MHPSAS
Scheduled 5 Description of Staff Responsibilities
Secheduled 6 Physical Plant Description
Schedule 7a Governanace Structure MHPSAS
Schedule 7c Curriculum
Scheduled 7d Methods of Pupil Assessment MHPSAS
Second Amended & Restated Agreement for Continued Provision of Services
Second Amended & Restated Terms & Condition
Press Release 10.28.2016
Refund Collection Information
Individuals need to update contact information for distribution of funds from Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System ORS.
*All Employees/Retirees are encouraged to update contact information on their MiAccount to help both ORS and the district process returns correctly.
Please complete our 3% ORS Refund Collection Survey below:
3% ORS Refund Collection Survey
PA 75 and 3% Healthcare Contributions FAQs
District Refund Communication Feb. 9, 2018
W4 Forms State
W4 Forms Federal
W4 Muskegon Heights
To request a transcript prior to 2012 please call 231-830-3221 after 2012 call 231-830-3700.